Start A Claim Salford Residents

To join other residents in the Salford area being assisted by Tenant Claim and our Salford Solicitors simply provide your details below. The services of Tenant Claim and our solicitors are provided on a no cost to tenant basis. There will be no deduction from your compensation.

    Post Code
    FASTRACK OPTION - We have to have proof of your identity at some stage and if so you want to do this now please click on the Upload button to insert a driving license, a copy of a recent utility bill and passport. If you perfer we can do this later.

    Help us understand where you are up to with your complaint by uploading the exchanges you have had with your landlord.

    Recent Utility Bill
    Driving License / Passport

    Copy Of Tenancy Agreement
    Written Exchanges With My Landlord

    Claim Information

    What best describes your claim type? *

    Landlord Type? *

    Approximate date your tenancy started

    Is the property affected by damp/condensation/mould? *

    Have you reported ALL the items of disrepair you are concerned about to your landlord? (If not, please report ALL immediately as we will need evidence at some point)

    Which external areas are affected

    List of internal rooms affected

    FASTRACK OPTION - Sending photographs can sometimes speed up your claim. Click the Upload images icon below if you wish you add images now. It would help us if you could label the name of the room.

    Image Upload


    Empower us to make your Landlord accountable by completing the signature box below. We need your authority to evaluate your claim, assign the best suited Tenant Claim authorised panel solicitor. Your claim is unique as you are and it needs to be treated that way. We determine the best route for speed, professionalism and maximum benefit. Working together we can make your Landlord fully accountable!

    Please make a selection.

    Letter Of Authority

    FASTRACK OPTION - Conditional Fee Agreement (CFA)

    A conditional fee agreement is a document that sets out the terms of contract between you and the chose solicitors. It is a lengthly complex document design to explain the process to you and the No Win No Fee solution to your claim. Sign in the box below if you want to use the Fastrack option. Please note the solicitor will explain matters to you. There is a 14 day 'cooling off' period should you wish to change your mind.

    Referral Code Request

    Helping your neighbours and friend enjoy a Fit Home and get rewarded for it! Tick below for a text referral code. Give the code for use when someone you introduce is notifying their case and help others have a Fit Home. Please note you can only use this code 25 times in a three-month period and that this reward only applies to cases where the FASTRACK features are used when the claim is first reported. We will let you know when their claim is successful and how much we will pay you for introducing them.

    Would you like a confidential referral code sent to you? It costs you nothing and will earn you fees when a claim is successful!